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Be A Successful Orchid Grower

Orchids can be tough to grow. But with the right skills and products at your disposal, you can entice their petals to bloom in ethereal beauty. Find out more on how to grow your orchids the right way!

We all want to be a great grower.  The advice we give and the products we make or sell are what we use ourselves and what we believe in.  We do not sell or recommend any products that we don't use ourselves. 

However, I have found over the year there isn't a unisex approach to growing orchids.  There are many ways to get good results.  What works for one person in their environment may not work for another person in a different environment.  For example moss.  Moss is a great growing medium for me, but growers in high humidity I have noticed have a hard time with it staying wet for too long.  So what I'm trying to say is do your research and stick to a good regime of nutrients, watering, air movement, and light and you too will be successful.

1 Response

Sandi Gardner

Sandi Gardner

October 21, 2022

Hi Jeff – A year ago I bought my grow lights from you and now would like to buy more but do not see any 36 inch grow lights? I thought I saw them on your website but don’t see them anymore. Were they discontinued or did I just imagine that you had that size?
Please change my email to,, as I have closed my real estate company.

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